Friday, January 21, 2011

FFF - "On the Limb"

The Bird sat on the limb...pensively watching the movements below.
This time of the morning, only a few humans were up and about...

The Bird moved slightly as the wind picked up and the branches swayed in the breeze.

He decided to take only a few miles.
But not quite just yet!

If you have your own 55 fly on over to see the G-Man at Mr. Know-It-All and tweet tweet him your story.

Friday, January 14, 2011

FFF-55 "Rants and Ramblings"

They came at me from left field...
I want to bang my head and start all over.
Who do they think they are!!
I want to know who the rat is and why now?
Don't they realize I'm dealing with a difficult situation...
Ah, the nit picking begins and they bleed me dry.
If you have a rant and a rambling of your own..make it 55 words and go and see the G-Man at Mr. Know-It-All.

Friday, January 7, 2011

FFF-55 "The End of the we know it."

Joey: Hey, did you know the world will end in May?

Mairy: No. Where did you get that?

Joey: Some religious kook said so...

Mairy: Well, then I guess I better have a big party with all my friends!

Joey: And then what?

Mairy: Get my VISA and go shopping , of course!

Joey: Of course...

If you have your own apocalyptic 55 then go see the G-Man at Mr. Know-It-All and let him know you exist...before it's too late!