Thursday, May 7, 2009

"TEARS" - Friday 55

It has been raining here all week and it is times like this I think about my uncle who died in 1954. The night my uncle died it was also raining. My uncle Peter was on his way home when he was hit by a drunk driver. My uncle was on a bicycle. He was only 15 and the drunk driver was only 18!

I think about him sometimes and wonder what he was like as a person, what his life would have been like, etc. I think about that drunken teen who hit him and what his life was like.

I live in an area where we have an influx of Hispanic immigrants and I see many young men riding bicycles every day and even sometimes in the rain. When I see them, I secretly say a little pray that they will be safe.


The tears mingled in with the rain drops.

He was only fifteen, new to this country and trying to do the right thing.

The drunken teen who hit and killed him would have to live with this memory for the rest of his life.

The families further shed tears as they lived with the memory!


Hilary said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss - for the uncle you never knew. So touching that you remember him in this way.

the walking man said...

Some stories only need 55 words to be complete in their telling.

Zuzana said...

Beautiful poem and post over such a sad sentiment; sorry to hear that your uncles life was cut so short...

Lulda Casadaga said...

Hilary: thanks :)

the walking man: AMEN!

Protege: It is so sad that his life was cut short and he really didn't get a chance to become an American!

One Prayer Girl said...

Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment. I welcome you.

I loved your 55. Lives cut short and never lived - a haunting thought. Your uncle does live on in your spirit and your words. Thanks for this post.

Prayer Girl

anthonynorth said...

It is so tragic when this happens. Your words were poignant.

buffalodick said...

That was very touching... words to ponder, for sure..

Pam said...

this is sad 55, but i'm glad you told it. i'm sorry about your uncle.

Akelamalu said...

Oh how sad Lulda. It always seems worse the younger the person doesn't it? It's good that you think about your uncle, I'm sure he knows. x

Dr.John said...

A very sad 55.
If only people thought before they get drunk and drive.

Anonymous said...

A hard loss for your family and heavy burden for the teenager.

G-Man said...

Yeah Lulda...We are thinking alike today.
I'm sure we would be very proud of his very talented niece.
Excellent 55 Dear, and thanks for being on time...:-)
Have a Great Week-End...G

Donnetta said...

Terrible event--and one repeated far too often. Maybe your uncle is now a guardian angel for other young people. Perhaps. D

Mona said...

this is so sad. To go out of your home, hale hearty and healthy, never to return again...

MarmiteToasty said...

How terribly sad for all concerned......


lime said...

i am so very late getting here and so very sorry to read this. my husband's family lost a young member in much the same way. it speaks to a gentle and generous spirit which is not overcome by suffering that you use the memory to pray for the safety of others.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

How sad and how beautifully you have told the story. I am so sorry for your family's loss, too.