I don't want to give up on you...
Many happy memories to share.
Nights of sleeping together...
Comfortable, warm, breathing in sync.
Country rides - Day Trippin...
Visits with friends and relatives.
You should have settled down by now!
Instead there is chaos and destruction...
I have reached the end of the line!
Now What?
If you have a story to tell in 55 words ...blog it...then check in with the G-Man at
Mr. KnowItAll
Lay some more track...extend the line if you can find a source for the steel needed.
It is hard to give up on something we have invested so much of our time and emotions. You captured a feeling very poignantly.
Beautiful, indeed I agree with Lou; such a poignant sentiment in so few words.
the walking man: Ah, easier said then done! :)
Lou: Thanks for stopping by...I agree very hard indeed.
Protege: Sometimes 55 words are just not enough...then again maybe it is! :)
Lulda Dear....?
First you forget me completely last week..
Then you don't tell me that you have posted?
What do I gotta do?
Fed Ex some wine?
Make you Piorgi's
Write you a poem?
g-man: I have not abandoned you...I'm here...honest. Sometimes I miss out due to circumstances beyond my control! :D ummm Wine & pierogis...sounds like a winner to me!
Unfortunately, this story is much too common.
Sadness here. Loss.
Thank God I have a program that helps me live life and find joy whether life is treating me kindly or not so well.
Prayer Girl
You are just a casual blogger right?
We are left wondering what will come next? Will it end. Can change happen?
a great 55
Every road has different tracks leading off of it, little lanes and footpaths, it means you dont always have to stick to the main road..
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