Every night around the track.
Solid soles hitting the crushed gravel.
And so it goes with one step...I start the journey of discovery.
Finding insight in the heavens above; breathing in oxygen to cleanse the solid soul.
Challenges await...
I continue to walk!
keep walking. i cant walk a track personally, i like to hike and head out through the woods...but find the walk very therapeutic. nice 55.
mine is up!
Very good 55 and inspiring. Keep it up.
Boy Meets Girl in 55
Really nice 55 ~ very inspiring. I LOVE to walk...cleanses my soul too.
I'm up after a few weeks hiatus:
Friday Flash 55 ~ Fortress
Either you are Forrest Gump, or you still are following your resolution!
I loved this Lulda...
Great job, it was well worth the wait
Have a Kick Ass Week-End....G
Very nice 55.
"...breathing in oxygen to cleanse the solid soul." I loved this thought. Very poetic.
Beautiful! It is all in that one first step.;)
Have a lovely weekend,
Good for you! I made a commitment to walking and have been out every day that we've had half-way decent weather, and on the gazelle walker-thingy machine on the rest, all month.
That first step is all important.. so true.
This was quite inspirational, no small accomplishment with so few words!
Keep walking and congratulations on your post of the week mention over at Hilary's!
Congrats on POTW mention from Hilary
I really like this. In fact, I really need to DO this!
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