Friday, April 15, 2011

FFF 55 - "Old Tree - No More"

The city maintenance workers enjoyed the Spring morning. After downing their coffees they decided to attack the job at hand. They started with the cherry blossom trees under the train trestle. Jose and Orlando crossed the street and started cutting into the Old Tree. Upon it's felling they heard the words...NO ALTO! NO MAS!! If you have chopped out your own 55 ...go see the G-Man at Mr. Know-It-All!


G-Man said...

Is this in St. Augustine?
Loved your GREEN 55 Today.
I'm grateful for ANY story out of You on time!!
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

Brian Miller said...

smiles. please dont kill the trees...

Lulda Casadaga said...

No was right here in Manassas, VA. One of our old trees in town was cut's a mystery why. :(

Jannie Funster said...

Earth Day!!

let's us treat the trees as we would our children -- with compassion and lots of dancing.


P.S. I just put your button up! hope you like it.

G-Man said...

Lulda Dear...Happy Easter