Friday, February 4, 2011

FFF - 55 "Miserable"

She was a miserable, angry person...
She was always in a foul mood and her tone was always
condescending when speaking to others.

None of the co-workers would answer her back.
Or stand up to her...she was worse than Scrouge.

One day, she finally broke down and cried...
The Voodoo Doll finally worked!

If you have your own 55 word tale to tell go and see the G-Man first at Mr. Know-It-All.


Akelamalu said...

OMG this struck a chord with me because I once stuck a pin in a doll pretending it was my boss then panicked for ages hoping nothing would happen to him! :0

Zuzana said...

I guess she was just so very sad inside, with or without black magic.;)
Have a great weekend,

Brian Miller said...

i wonder if that pain in my neck....nahhh...smiles. nice 55

G-Man said...

I have several Voodoo Dolls.
I use them!
I loved your 55 Late Lulda...
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...Galen

moondustwriter said...

Oh I came to read this weeks and got to read last weeks
a good un

too bad people cant lighten up

Mona said...

Sounds like my mother! But I hope I will never have to use a voodoo doll on her!