Thursday, September 30, 2010

Flash Friday 55 - "Regards to Mom"

You weren't the Best Mother...

or the Worst.

You kept us fed and clothed.

You made sure our environment

was clean and safe.

Although, I never heard "I Love You", I know you do.

You had a hard childhood

and times

were tough.

I understand your fragility...

Regards to you Mom...Happy 75th Birthday!

If you have your own 55 please go and check in with the G-man at Mr. Know-It-All...


Akelamalu said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom.

rebecca said...

Sometimes those that grow up during hard times are hardened by need and are unable to express what they really feel. That she loves you, there is no doubt, it is shown in the way she took care of you....

Happy Birthday to your Mom....

joanna said...

It seems to me some people have a hard time saying those magic words but they show it in many ways, and others it rolls off their tongue like sugar -- but it is utterly meaningless.

Happy Birthday to your Mom, I hope her adult life is much easier. sending her lovely thoughts today.

Nice 55er,

Brian Miller said...

i am a little happy/sad after this one...i do hope she has a wonderful birthday...

PattiKen said...

When we get older, we usually see that sometimes the unspoken "I love you" is more sincere than the spoken one. Happy birthday to your mom.

moondustwriter said...

That speaks volumes that you can publicly say that.

So hard for some to say three words. Glad you have the ability to love.

A memorable 55

moon B-Day wishes

Bubba said...

Nice tribute 55, Lulda!

(Happy 75th, Mom!)