Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So looking Forward...

I'm so looking forward to a long weekend coming about ya all? Let's see what can I do with 3 days off?? Ummm, always that awful cleaning to take care of...or perhaps, I can paint my bathroom. The can of paint is already picked out and has only been sitting there for 3 years.
Do you still think it is good to use? Probably dried up by now!
Or perhaps a day trip somewhere in the country...There is always sleep to catch up on...movies to to listen to...books to read. Go into the big city and check out some culture.
Ah, so many choices...We' ll see...I usually just go with the flow anyway and wind up doing some things my husband wants and that is usually not what I want to do!!
If you are lucky to have off this weekend please enjoy and go paint your bathroom!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesdays thoughts

Going Camping this weekend...going to see my sister & cousins...good food and drink awaits!
The great Delaware...hell, if it was good enough for George Washington...
it's good enough for me!

Peaceful setting before the party begins!

I will be a kayaking fool this Sat....I should have done more arm exercises these last 2wks.
I know I'll be hurting on Sunday...but, who cares...I'll just have more martini's on Sat nite in front of the campfire. Umm....I heard of chocolate martini's, but what about a
SMOORS Martini!!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Finally Friday

Finally Friday arrives without a hitch...well, almost...Had a run in with a co-worker today and it wasn't even my fault. Seems this person has a "Napoleonia complex"!!

Hey, look at me everybody I'm a "BLOODY Manager" I'm so damn important!!


I am usually a person who is easy to get along with, but if you come at me with an attitude...

I become a mirror. So FUCK OFF....PISS OFF...and get out of my FACE!!! If you are nice to me I will be nice to you.....You know life is too damn short to be an asshole and upset people.

Anyway, I did not get any or near enough sleep last, that did not help the situation.

AH... SATURDAY where are you? Maybe, I can get a few good winks in tonight before I start the weekend. Hey everybody enjoy yours! And get enough sleep!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hump Day

Wednesdays are always's hump day! After today another glorious weekend looms in the near distance.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Interesting wall

Need something to do with your used crates...cut the sides off and make a wall!

These were made with apple crates.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday Clean up

OK...I wasn't born to be a maid! Where does it say on my birth certificate that I have to clean house??

Well, I do like to live in a fairly tidy atmosphere...but why do I have to do it?
I know "Cleanliness is next to god" ... So I guess i'll be put in Limbo...I always liked that word!

OK, enough procrastination... I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and do some housecleaning. BLAH...

Enjoy your Saturday!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Do they exist? I belive they do...
I'm an avid Coast-to -Coast am radio listener (George Nooray) - (Art Bell) .
If you haven't listened to it you should. Check your am dials after 10:00pm. Also available in pod casts!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Remembering Dad

My dad is gone now ...13 years since his passing... I miss you just as much today as yesterday!
Keep watch over me...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ode to my Boston

My little female Boston Terrier "BeBe" is one years old and she now has to share the house with a new Lab puppy..."Frisco"! Which he lives up to his name...friskerer than a cats whisker! Little barker deluxe. Crazy goo oozing from your arms. Softie & shiny.

She is not very happy but tolerates this black beast...Once you have owned a Boston Terrier you become hypnotised. There is just something about those eyes and those funny sounds that they sometimes make.

She has brought me joy and laughter. If only she would not pee on the rug anymore!!
Ode to Boston...please, please go outside and pee pee!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Visit to the Thrift Shop

Great day ...Saturday...Another visit to my local favorite Thrift Shop! A couple of good finds...
2 of pj pants & top. A couple of shatzkies and I'm happy.

I woke up this morning and felt like head is dealing with sinus problems, and the barametric pressure doesn't help. I felt like sleeping all day, but I had to get my tired ass to the bank before noon.

Miracously I felt alive when I was in the thrift store. Go figure!!

Anyway, my head has settled down...sinuses in check...and going to go see the "Dark Night" movie. Poor Heath...gone too soon.

Ah, but we must believe it was his time to leave this planet. When will you leave?
Enjoy the day and the weekend my friends.