Monday, November 3, 2008


When I was a baby back in 1956 my dad took me to a political rally.
As he held me in his arms and the crowd was getting excited waving flags and cheering...along came the candidate.
Adali himself...
he walked up to us and kissed my baby face.

OK, so maybe I didn't bring him luck...he didn't win!
I just thought on the eve of another election I would share that special tidbit of info from a moment in my life...


Queen Bee said...

That's a cute story. Maybe you brought him more votes than he would have gotten had he not kissed you. Hey, you never know.

buffalodick said...

Well, my town is the home town of Gerald R. Ford, now deceased Ex-President of the United States.. Walking down the street one day, he spoke to me once! He said "Get out of the way, kid"... just kidding about that last part!

lime said...

well, that's a pretty nifty little story.

Lulda Casadaga said...

Welcome to my blog queen bee...

BD: Well he probably would have said that to bad boy! :D

lime: I thought so too! :)

Lulu LaBonne said...

Nice wall art - your blog is very pumpkinalicious

Lulda Casadaga said...

lulu: Thanks for the visit!