Monday, May 18, 2009


photo by Lulda Casadaga 5/09

This is a close-up of my neighbors rhoderdendrum plant. I used to have one in front of my house but my husband had a freak moment and cut it down. Don't ask me why! I just ask that the flower gods in the universe do not judge him too harshly on that last day!
If you have a photo (macro) you would like to display check in with Lisaschaos and check out the other blog postings...


the walking man said...

Was the old man having a macho moment and frightened by the pink?

G-Man said...

What do you mean last day?

Lulda Casadaga said...

thewalkingman: Yes, he must have had a macho moment indeed! I wanted to have a psycho moment and chop him up! :D

G-Man: Don't worry no harm will come to my husband...he's my personal chef and you know I need to eat! :D

Dagrun said...

Very nice rhododendrum. I love those, it's a pitty they don't blossom for more than a week or so thougt, but they truly are beatiful.

Lulda Casadaga said...

Dagrun: Thanks for stopping by and the kind words...I agree they don't last very long! :(

Martha said...

Good luck to your husband on that! LOL! Beautiful shot :-)

Lin said...

My husband wouldn't dare to cut anything in my garden before asking me what it was and if he had permission! Beautiful neighbor's flowers, though! Great shot!

Ingrid said...

I have two, one since over 20 years and one just planted ! I love the flowers. Your husband must have suffered a moment of crazyness to cut it down, lol !

Lulda Casadaga said...

Martha: Thanks! And he does need some luck because my patience is wearing thin!!

Lin: I was weak and didn't stand my ground on this one...NEVER AGAIN! and I won't even tell you what he did to my potters wheel! :(

Dagrun: DAMN! I knew I spelt it wrong!!

Gattina: Crazy is not the word I wanted to use that day. Well at least my neighbor still has his that I can admire and make snide comments to my husband when they bloom! :D

lime said...

oh so pretty!

Mojo said...

Unless he yanked it out by the roots, don't be surprised if it bounces back bigger, better and badder than ever. Rhodies are notoriously tough.

Sweet photo... looks almost like a lei.